Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Collateral Murder Series: An Eyewitness Testimony

This is the testimony of the US soldier Ethan McCord who was an eyewitness of the crime documented in the Collateral Murder video .

He said: " It happens daily in Iraq" " This needs to end , we need to bring the soldiers home now" "The Rules of Engagement was if you feel threatened by anybody , you're able to engage that person, many soldiers felt threatened just if you were looking at them, so they fire their weapons at anybody who were looking at them because they felt threatened"  " If we were investigated , officers would take care of you"

" We were told by our commander to kill every M..... F.....  on the street"

"This happens on a daily basis , I've seen bradleies destroying vans full of children"
And the full story of the Collateral Murder ..

You must watch this video ..

America , what do you think ? Do you agree on these actions done by your troops , your government ?
Silence makes you an accomplice ..

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