Thursday, June 30, 2011

The US - IRAN Alliance vs. IRAQ

It is amazing how the US military officials in Iraq all of a sudden admit Iran's interventions in Iraq . Well , we should not wonder as the US government is doing its best to justify the extension of the American occupation of Iraq. Since the time of the promised withdrawal of US troops from Iraq has come , the American officials find that they have to come up with a bunch of reasons to deny the withdrawal proposed in the last American elections !

In June 11, 2011 , Major General Jeffery Buchanan in Baghdad was made available to Reuters by the Pentagon . He declared that " Iran is training & supporting the violent proxies" . Then the Defence Secretary Robert Gates publically suggested that " Iran was a second reason to keep US forces in Iraq " .

Well , who are they kidding ? I mean , seriously ??

Iran's government interventions in Iraq started from day 1 after the American occupation of Iraq in 2003 ! We don't need a Major General or a Secretary of Defence to point that out after 8 years of continuous Iranian interventions in Iraq .

Iran's officials and militias have continuously fed the Sectarianism, the killings and assasinations of Iraqi people with the help of the corrupt, traitor Iraqi government officials who are ,as everybody knows , dear friends and allies of Iran's government !

All of this happened under the very noses of the American officials, and may I add, with their very approval and full support !

 And why is that ? Because the American occupation cannot stay in Iraq unless there's instabilitiy , killings , implanted sectarianism and violence. The occupation cannot stay in Iraq unless the Iraqi people are terrorised , so the occupation supports all kinds of terror against the Iraqi people regardless of the source of this violence.

At last , I would like to emphasize that , the Iraqi people will always stay united, they are fully aware of the "Divide & Conquer" colonial strategy and they refuse the sectariaism that their allied enemies tirelessly try to implant .

The Iraqi people are fully conscious of this " Treacherous Alliance"
The Iraqi people are united against the extension of  the much hated American occupation of Iraq .

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